You would like to support the AOJQ and are interested in volunteering? Become an AOJQ volunteer. We have positions available on the Board of Directors as well as increased need during events such as the Festival AOJQ.
For more information, please contact us by email.
recognition awards
Fernand-Lindsay Award
The Musician Award
The Fernand-Lindsay Award is named in honour of a man who devoted an important part of his life to classical music and youth in the Lanaudière region. It is awarded to a representative of the world of music in recognition of his or her work with youth.

2018 Andrée-Anne Massé
2016 Louise Richard
2014 Jacques Clément
2012 James Darling
2010 Stewart Grant
2007 Luc Chaput
2005 Yves Tremblay
2003 Louis Lavigueur
2001 Marc David
1999 Véronique Lacroix
1997 Mario Duschenes
1995 Jacques Clément
1993 Père Fernand Lindsay
1991 Père Rolland Brunelle
Prix Yves-Tremblay
The Volunteer Award
The Yves-Tremblay Award is named in memory of a great pioneer who worked within the AOJQ for thirty years, including six as president. It is awarded to a volunteer who has given generously to young musicians.
2018 Keith Dunn
2016 Isabelle Delage
2014 Jacqueline Pelletier
2012 Anne-Marie Dupont
2010 Claire Coté
2007 Chantal Trottier
2005 Andrée Bellerive
2003 René Lessard
2001 Michel Viau
1999 Aline Blain
1997 Pierre H. Massé
1995 Jacques et Hélène Corman